Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love


prayers-multicolourEvery Monday a small group meets to pray within the church at 10am until 10.30am.

In our weekly prayers we pray for the pastoral needs of the church and also include any prayers written on cards which have been hung on the Prayer Tree. Items and events which appear in the church notices are covered and we regularly use the Methodist Prayer Handbook for inspiration. We pray for the wellbeing of all in our community, particularly for those in sickness or in financial difficulties, and always welcome prayer requests. Anyone is welcome to come along prayers-requestseither to drop in or to join us on a regular basis.

Prayer and Praise takes place on the Fourth Wednesday of each month at 8. the chapel.
It is an informal time, we usually sit in a circle and as the name suggests we have a time of singing traditional and modern Worship Songs, Hymns & Choruses. We usually have a theme and a visual focus on which to base our thinking and our prayers, not forgetting general prayer concerns ranging from the World Wide to local, to personal.
It would be good to make the circle grow. Why not come along and join us.


prayer-treeOur Beautiful Prayer Tree is available for your prayer requests at all times when the Church is open. Everyone is invited to write their prayer requests/concerns on one of the cardboard shapes provided and hang it on the tree. Alternatively, you can email your request for a Prayer Leaf to be pinned on to our Tree. You do not need to give your name, only as much detail on the situation you wish to be prayed for.

The Prayer Tree is an ancient and anonymous way of sharing Prayer Concerns. These situations and people will be prayed for by the prayer groups, the Minister and others who take an interest in the tree.

This beautiful tree was made by a member of the Church out of wood which had been removed from the Church some years ago. We are so very glad to have it as an important feature in the Worship space. Another member replenishes the shapes and changes the cloths to make sure the colours are appropriate for the different times of the year.

The symbol of the tree reminds us that a real friend warms you by his presence, trusts you with his secrets, and remembers you in his prayers.
