Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love

The Church & its money

How the Methodist Church uses money

People give to their local church to support:

  • The ministry and mission of the Church
  • Provide and maintain buildings and facilities
  • Resourcing mission across the country
  • Training people for effective ministry and discipleship
  • The world church

Most of the Church’s income is received through local offerings. Additional income comes from tax recovered under Deeds of Covenant and Gift Aid, with a small amount from the use of premises and investment income.

This income is used in the following ways:

  • About 45% on local church costs such as heating and property repairs
  • About 45% on the ordained and lay ministry (stipends and housing) paid by the circuit (which is the main reason for the Circuit Assessment)
  • About 10% to cover Connexion-wide (ie national and international) expenditure – nearly half of which is grants, a quarter is spent on training, mainly of ministers, and the rest covers areas of the Church’s work which is handled on a whole-Connexion basis.

If you usually give your weekly offering by blue envelopes or directly into the collection plate, please would you consider setting up a standing order or doing a bank transfer? The bank details are available from Lesley Jackson. It’s important that we maintain a secure income for the Chapel during these difficult times – there are still stipends and other overheads to pay. If you require help use our website ‘Contact Us’ page & you will be directed either to the Church Treasurer and/or Gift Aid Secretary.

Remember – the Church can reclaim the tax on your monetary giving & this means that you can boost your donations by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. That can make a huge difference to the Church funds & means we can do so much more in the mission & upkeep of our church.

Please open the Gift Aid Declaration Form – form, print a copy, complete with the necessary information which identifies you as a current UK taxpayer & then hand it to our Gift Aid Secretary who will complete the application.

Many thanks.