Stokesley Methodist Choir
Stokesley Methodist Choir has been singing for more years than we know! Many of the members have been singing for over 70 years! The main core of singers were members of Stokesley Methodist Church with representatives from 7 churches in our circuit, plus a number of people who simply enjoyed singing. The result was a group of Christians of different denominations and none, making music together. We met weekly to rehearse the hymns to be sung at our morning worship each Sunday and also music for pleasure & special events.
We held two regular annual concerts, one in the Summer and one for Christmas & we also enjoyed singing special music for Easter.
In addition we often received invitations to sing at other venues & it was always a great pleasure to be able to share our love of music with others.
Sadly, over the last few months, it has become apparent that the Choir cannot continue in the same way, due to ill-health, the loss of some members & other difficult circumstances. It is with much regret that the time has come for Stokesley Methodist Choir to ‘Call it a Day’. We are extremely grateful to our Choir Mistress, Helen Weighell, for the many years she has led the choir & other members who have worked hard to make the choir the success it was. We will all treasure the time we shared together.
But all is not lost! When we can, we will still meet together from time to time to ‘make music’ in an informal setting, enjoying each other’s company, sharing stories & memories & having a sing-song. We will also do what we can to lead the singing each Sunday.