Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love

Toddlers Group


Tuesdays in term time, 9.30-11am
All under 5’s and their parents / carers welcome
Puzzles, paints, ride on toys, and much more!
Drinks and snacks included
£2 per family – just drop in at Stokesley Methodist Church

Baby and toddler groups offer much needed support for parents and carers. They offer the chance to socialise, and to share parenting techniques, skills and knowledge. We run on a weekly basis, during term-time, so by attending every week, parents are creating stability and the perfect opportunity to get out of the house. Whether they drive, catch the bus or walk to the group, just this process of getting out and about can have a positive impact on everyone’s mental health. Parents and carers will likely meet the same people every week therefore creating consistency and friendships. The same goes for the children, they too will have some stability and the prospect of making friends.

Child development is another major benefit of attending baby and toddler groups. Our group includes educational activities which will help the children to develop various skills. These skills can include creativity, imagination and social skills. Maths and English are two subjects which can also be developed. This can be achieved using sing-along songs & games. Sensory activities also play a major role in child development. Babies between the ages of 6 months to 17 months tend to benefit the most from these activities. Sensory play can help to stimulate baby’s senses: eyesight, hearing, movement, smell, touch, taste and balance. The activities and toys we have will hopefully allow baby to investigate and explore.

Bonding! This has got to be one of the best parts for any parent or carer. Who wouldn’t like to have more bonding time with their little one? Our group will help to strengthen the relationship between the parents and their child by allowing them to spend valuable time together. Parents and carers will share their little ones’ early learning experiences which can create some incredibly special memories. Singing, playing games and taking part in activities together can be highly rewarding and can lead to lots of smiling, laughing, eye contact and cuddling.

Since starting the group in September 2021, we have seen the group grow from strength to strength. We now have over 20 babies & toddlers on our list, not necessarily coming every week, but returning regularly to enjoy the friendships we have made.

Any church that wants to thrive must reach young families.  In fact, we’d go as far as to say any church that wants to exist in the future, must reach young families. A healthy church is made up of all generations, just like a family is. Babies, toddlers, teenagers, parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Young parents and their children must be a substantial part of a congregation for it to have a future.

Our aim is that this Toddlers Group will be one way our church can reach out to young families. We hope we will all come to enjoy the life and excitement that this next generation brings & that our church will again bustle with the energy that young families create.

If you want to come along to help – helping with the refreshments, meeting the mums & carers, playing with the children & having the odd little cuddle – please contact Lesley (email: or phone: 07837178938). Many thanks.