Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love

Coffee Morning (10:00am)


Grab a coffee & piece of cake & join us for this virtual Coffee Morning. We’ll catch up on news, enjoy listening to each other’s tales during lockdown & share in this time of being ‘together’! We usually have a fun theme which Mandy will introduce/explain at the coffee morning in preparation for the following weekend. Volunteers to host will be very welcome & you might like to think of a quiz, game or something entertaining which will be fun to do!

Contact Mandy Robinson ( ) for more information.

The Zoom meeting details for our Saturday Coffee Mornings are as follows:

Meeting ID: 288 056 7734 (this will remain the same for those using Zoom or joining by phone)
You can dial in using the telephone number 0203 481 5237 (local call rates apply) & enter the code for the meeting. Type the ID number followed by the # key.  You will then enter a waiting room, ready to be admitted.

Other participants can’t see you but will be able to hear you when you speak.  The host of the meeting will see that we have telephone callers and will be able to keep a list and introduce you so everyone else knows you’re with us.

Whilst it is nice to be able to see friendly faces, this means that we are accessible for anyone who has a telephone.  Please do feel free to share this information and invite others to join us.