Called to serve God by increasing awareness of His presence and declaring His love

MWiB (2:30pm)


Bringing women together to know Christ and to make him known. Encouraging, equipping and enabling women to serve God in the church, the Community and the world. Connecting women in Britain with women world-wide.

We have two Network (MWiB) Groups in the Church.

Afternoon Network meets in the Main Church at 2.30pm on Tuesday afternoons, fortnightly, from September to May, with a varied programme of Speakers and fellowship afternoons. During these sessions we have different topics to think about and enjoy and, as expected, each meeting ends with a cup of tea!! Members are encouraged to take part. Two or three times during the year we meet with the Mothers Union.

This afternoon our theme is ‘Sparkling Fellowship’.  All ladies are asked to bring a piece of jewellery & share it’s story – whether it was given as a gift, whether it holds a special memory, whether it is a family heirloom, whether it reminds you of a special time such as a holiday or significant date. This will lead us into the rest of our ‘Sparkling’ time together.